Sheldino The Sniper

Sheldino The Sniper

Sheldino The Sniper

Contract address



Network: Solana
Total supply: 999,369,044.48 tokens
Circulating supply: 100%
Liquidity pool tokens: 95%
Team & Marketing: 5%
Tax: 0%


LP locked and burned: Yep ✅
Mint authority revoked: Yep ✅
Freeze authority revoked: Yep ✅
Mutability revoked: Yep ✅
Ownership revoked: Yep ✅
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$SHELDINO is a meme coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team. It has a group of community members who contribute to the project. The coin has no affiliation with the Crypto Banter team.